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If you are interested in working with me on any scale of project I am happy for you to contact me here or at:

Outlined below are some of the general services I provide however if you have any questions about more case specific work I'd be happy to here from you:

- Property Packages:

For Landlords or people aiming to sell there property this is a technical and graphical service providing any of but not limited to the following:

  • Surveying

  • Measured floor plans (CAD)

  • Graphic Floorplans (CAD & Photoshop)

  • Property photography

  • Elevations

  • Context/ Location plans

- Photography

Whether Architectural or for events I provide a full photography service including editing and colour correcting.

- CAD/ Revit Support

Working drawing up existing surveys or new designs I provide assistance with work overflow including the following:

  • Surveying

  • CAD Plans, sections and elevations.

  • Revit Model set up and building.

  • Training and teaching assistance providing software advice.

- Graphic Design

Designing Posters, logos and provide design assistance including work involving theatre and set design.​

I am currently mostly located in London & Edinburgh however I am happy to provide assistance further afield where required.

Tel_   07597880593

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